Saturday, September 23, 2017

Challenges become Learning Opportunities

Oh Equifax, are you the reason I am filling out paperwork and notifying everyone and their brother that someone has used my social security number? And to find out while on vacation only made it that much sweeter - not! Thanks for the heads-up by the way, sure wish I had known sooner.

I am pretty resilient. I have conquered dragons - literally, it was my high school mascot. Unfortunately, I moved out of Michigan last year so I couldn't attend my 30-year reunion :(

I handle challenges. I research possibilites. I persevere. I learn. I teach. I aspire to help others. I always look on the bright side. 

Despite all the tough stuff, I still feel like I am the luckiest person in the world! 
Because I choose to be. 
I choose to be. 
And you can choose your attitude too.

I need more time. I need more money. I need less pain. Don't we all. I have worked so hard and I appreciate everything I have - so I can let the bad stuff go (most of the time). Hey, crying and then picking yourself back up again gives you character :)

Despite money worries-which I believe will always be around in one form or another, I will Do Good, Be Positive, Inspire others to do the same, and Hope for the best. I have raised the most incredible daughters. I have a support group of amazing family and friends. 
I am the luckiest person in the world.

My Philosophy: LLLLEEH  *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn, Experience, Enjoy, Help

I leave you with words from Dr. Sukhraj Dhillon:

Keep looking on the Bright Side! Michelle :)

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