Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Holidays Are Over!

As Martha Stewart would say, "It's A Good Thing!" I do LOVE the holidays, but they can be tough at times. We are experiencing some challenges right now, but the chance to spend time with family, friends, and good food really makes up for it.

The bright side is always there-you just have to look for it and appreciate it!

2009 will be the best year ever! Why? Because I want it to be. It's that simple. Didn't you know that life is easy? We keep making it harder than it has to be. I have always said that if life is hard, then you're not doing it right! God has a plan for all of us.

My dad has very simple advice for everyone: 'Do Good!' That sums it up. You can't go wrong if you follow it.

Short post today. Staying positive though. Today's quote is a French proverb: The only wasted day is one where you have not laughed. Enjoy! Michelle

Friday, December 19, 2008

Positive Gift Idea - Can't lose!!!!!

Hi! I'm back! I am creating a positive, healthy, inspirational blog, so I really didn't need to post during the last month. I am facing many challenges (keeping the good attitude, though!) and wasn't in the mindset to air it here. There are too many places to visit where you can get your fill of cynicism, depression, complaining, and overall negative-ness!!!!

I heard a great commercial this morning. Meijer is prompting folks to give their gift cards for Christmas. It had a woman saying "What I'd really like is a ... gerbil!" and a burley man saying "What I'd really like is a ... shiatsu massager!" It cracked me up. What an AWESOME idea. Everyone can give eachother gift cards and it solves the problem of WHAT to give, avoids buying wrong sizes and wrong colors, and stops re-gifting (of course, that is fun too - to see how far a certain gift can go!). If you have the perfect idea for someone, give it. If you don't, give a gift card. If you agree to give the same amount to someone, then you know you can afford it!!!

If you like to make gifts, you can fashion a hand-made card, box or similar holder for the gift card. Then it is made with love, AND practical! You get the joy of giving, wrapping, and feeling generous. It is the best of both worlds you receive the fun of giving (and getting) giftcards as well!

Times are tough. Give a generic gift card with love. It can be used for essentials like groceries, or a special gift to self like scrapbooking supplies!

Take care. Enjoy the holidays! (Remember, smile through the tears) Michelle :)