Friday, March 9, 2018

It doesn't rain cats & dogs here...

I live in Hilo so I expect a fair amount of rain. And I love it, especially the light, misty kind that cools you off but doesn’t drench you. It keeps the landscape green and lush, quenches the beautiful array of flowers and creates flowing waterfalls.

But in Hilo there is a LOT of rain, not to mention the numerous bugs who also enjoy this moist atmosphere. It comes with the territory so I expect raindrops falling on my head on a regular basis. What I didn't expect was the baby gecko falling on my head while I was washing dishes! 

In fact my first centipede scattered across my floor a few weeks ago. My sister and brother-in-law were visiting and the cats were nice enough to point out this disgusting creature by chasing it across the living room. We captured and killed it, and then gave the cats some well-deserved extra treats! 

I can’t complain about a SINGLE encounter with a 10-inch centipede in 2 years.  Okay, I can complain – it’s easy when you are faced with a gigantic, 1000-legged, slimy, venomous creature inside your apartment!

The positives definitely outweigh the negatives in Hawaii, so I put up with the heat, bugs, and crazy high prices. If I could relocate my entire family to the islands, this place would be perfect.

Until next time, keep looking on the bright side! Blessings, Michelle :)