Wednesday, July 29, 2015

NYC or Bust! Okay, maybe next time!

A Broadway Audition - what could be cooler!?!?  An impromptu trip with my 22-year-old daughter; 800 miles to eat, laugh, sing, and get nervous; and alone time with her before her upcoming nuptials in August - it was priceless!

I highly recommend enjoying every second of childhood, school days, performances, college, and especially wedding planning - because it all goes way too fast!

This wedding thing has been more fun than I ever imagined.  I could do without the large expense though :)  From the bridal shows to dress shopping, it has been a mother's dream.  We had her first shower last weekend and I was able to see family members who do not live close anymore.  Weddings and funerals bring everyone together and I'm glad this occasion is the happy one!

Six days until my daughter graduates from BCT in Missouri and 23 days until my first daughter gets married.  Very busy August, but I am loving every minute of it!  Thank you God for my life :)

September brings a quiet house once again as they both head back to college and married life.  Time to start the Grandchildren Hope Chest!  As far as the Broadway thing goes, three were chosen as finalists to be Christine in Phantom of the Opera and Celeste wasn't one of them.  Oh well, maybe next time!  Happy Wednesday everyone!