Saturday, December 5, 2015

Today's Savings Tip

Have you noticed the messages on your McDonald's food wrappers advertising their new app? Being the curious person that I am (and a librarian), I decided to check it out.

My two cents:  Download this app today and save money immediately!  That's quite a return on my money, especially when its a FREE app!  So, today I received a free medium Peppermint Mocha coffee ($3.00 value) when I purchased a breakfast sandwich.  I needed to eat breakfast anyway, right?  It's the coupon curse that manufacturers use to get us to buy their stuff.  I don't really need 3 packs of whatever, but I have a coupon that saves me .75 cents on it.  It works - so let's be careful out there :)

However, I now have a cute little "M" app on my phone that can save me money every time I go to McDonald's.  Of course if I really wanted to save money I would stop going to McDonald's so much!!!!

I graduated from my Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class and I am ready to start over re-reading all of the materials so I can keep it fresh in mind.  If you haven't experienced this class yet, I suggest you should ask at your church.  It is a fabulous program - his advice is well worth paying for.  So I will continue to bring you money-saving tips, random facts, and other fun stuff.

Remember, keep looking on the bright side ----- there always is one :)

Michelle :)

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