Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Money-Saving Update :)

I went to McDonald's and didn't have a coupon.  What's a girl to do?

That's right, I pulled out my phone and used the McD app that I told you about.  My bill went from $10 to $6 with a simple scan at the drive-thru to save $3.99 instantly :)

Now, what are the chances that I will put that $4.00 savings into a bank account to accrue interest and give me a million dollar retirement account in 20 years?  Probably not so good! But I am still following the tips I learned in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class and I have high hopes that I will get and keep my finances in order.  For some reason though, a new bill pops up right after I finish paying one off!

It's a New Year: Welcome 2016.  I already know it's going to be a great one.  Many people make resolutions and keep them for about 2 weeks.  Well, my resolution is to make the resolution every week.  I will then have 52 chances to make it work.  Feel free to steal the idea - we don't have to reinvent EVERY wheel.  If it worked for someone else, it may work for us too.  I resolve to drink more water, get to 10,000 steps on my Fitbit EVERY day, and keep a sunny, positive attitude.  I am positive I will be healthier this time next month.  If not, I will make a new resolution to do it :)

Keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars:  missed you Dick -New Year's Eve just wasn't the same!

Have an awesome evening, and always look on the bright side!  Michelle :)

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